Saturday, January 16, 2010

Christmas and New Year shenanigans

Yes, it's been a while since last updating this.  So just a brief rundown of the Christmas and New Year season (I'll let the photos tell most of the story).  Both days were quite memorable, but it's a relief to have them out of the way.  I was somehow conned into being one of Santa's "little helpers" for the day and as you can see by the photos I look stunning in that sequinned mini skirt!  This was all for the effort of handing out the Kris Kringle presents that everyone had organised.  Santa (V2) didn't arrive on time for most people.  Our chefs Squeeze and Kim put on an amazing spread complete with crayfish, oysters, ham, turkey, 3000 year old glacial ice etc.  Too much alcohol was consumed, you know how it goes.

It was also Amy's 21st birthday just before New Years so I spent the majority of the morning of the 29th trying to time my pose for when the station web cam takes its 10 minute photo.  The results can be seen below.

New Years Eve was a very similar affair to Christmas Day with an equally disturbing amount of cross-dressing.  The evening had a Hollywood theme, which was complete with red carpet, security, an ice sculptured Oscar and the obligatory smoke machine and dancing lights (we do it tough down here).  Included is a photo of the Met boys.  The guy in the middle, Linc, is my supervisor!  It was then that I realised just how much trouble I am in over the next 12 months.  He did an amazing Flash Dance routine too by the way.  In case you're wondering, I'm supposed to be Caesar, I had to get inventive as a Christmas wreath and a busted weather balloon was all that I could find.  Needless to say there wasn't too much left of the balloon by the end of the night, I guess the temptation to over stretch an incredibly stretchy material was too great for some.  Thankfully the same can't be said for Linc's outfit.

So there you have it, two of the biggest days of the year in one of the remotest locations.  Next on the agenda is our mid-summer swim on Australia Day.  Is the world ready to see me in a mankini yet?