Wednesday, April 14, 2010

They've abandoned us

Hmm... yes, well it seems I'm getting worse at keeping this thing updated.  It's not as if I'm short of time down here, so there's really no excuse.  So what's happened since my last blog?  Well a fair bit really, I wont try and bore you with all of the details, but the most significant thing to occur is V4 (the last voyage of the season) arriving and then leaving again a few days later.  This was significant because it would be the last ship we'd see for an entire 8 months and also when it finally left, it reduced station numbers from 90 odd down to 25.  So our winter experience had finally begun.

Seeing the ship power off over the horizon was a really strange feeling.  I didn't react how I thought I would.  I had been anticipating a feeling of dread or panic as my last contact with the world outside sailed away for 8 months, but instead I was hit by excitement and a realisation that something very few people get to do had just started.  It was a very cool moment.  The dread set in much later.

So what have I been doing since then?  Well I spent the best part of a day opening all of my post and care packages that arrived on V4.  Unfortunately the coffee machine that I bought didn't travel too well and appears to have experienced the espresso form of sea sickness (i.e. getting smashed by something big and heavy in the cargo hold of the AA).  Of course I was a little upset to find something that is worth more than my car, reduced to scrap metal.  At least the 8 kg of freshly roasted coffee beans made it safely.  Thanks to mum and dad and Island Espresso for that one.

As we are actually experiencing nights now, we are also treated to the Aurora Australis on most clear nights (the green light thingy, not the ship).  Although we now have to put up with some slightly colder temperatures to view it.  The mercury is now regularly tipping minus 20 degrees.  Whilst we were unpacking one of the outside food freezers today it actually occurred to me that it was warmer inside the freezer than it was outside.  Shut the door, you're letting all the hot air out!